Rotamap services link with ESR
May 2022
Rotamap is committed to interoperability and we support data provision to payroll or other payment providers. This article covers our integration with the UK NHS ESR system.
The Electronic Staff Record (ESR) is a central database for NHS employees in England and Wales, and is used to manage absence records and attendance extras for payroll.
Rotamap is an ESR hub provider, and interfaces have been established at several Trusts. Trusts may initiate the process of establishing a Rotamap/ESR interface by making a service request to the ESR service desk and informing Rotamap at We recommend setting up a Rotamap/ESR link from initial implementation. This will improve, or even eliminate non-value adding processes for individual departments, alongside supporting Medical Staffing and payroll teams.
The current scope of our interoperability with ESR is detailed below, and this will be expanded over time.
Import clinician profile information from ESR
An ESR link enables the import of data into our services. For instance, clinician profile information can be imported; streamlining the process of on-boarding cohorts of rotating junior doctors.
An ESR number can be used as the unique identifier for a person that might have several profiles in different departments across Rotamap systems. Linking clinician profiles with ESR has significant benefit as we continue to develop our Central Reporting service, facilitating centralised organisation-wide reporting.
It is also fundamental to interoperate with third party systems who ordinarily use ESR numbers as a unique identifier.
View job planning information from another system
Our continued work on interoperability is leading to a number of invaluable opportunities to link with other providers using ESR information. Recently we have linked with SARD, a leading job planning provider, using ESR numbers as a person’s unique identifier. Job plan summaries for an individual can be displayed in both CLWRota and Medirota, which can be used to inform building rota patterns, or to perform retrospective checks of job plan figures against work achieved.

Trust-wide electronic processing of additional payments and absence records
Using data from live operational rotas, the ‘Submittals’ feature allows departments to enrich, validate and send records of absence (leave) and attendance (paid extra work) recorded in CLWRota and Medirota to Central Reporting.
An active ESR link further supports and condenses the process, with automated upload to the ESR, without the need for paper based reports and manual uploads. More detail can be found here.

If you would like to establish Rotamap/ESR interoperability and start using any of the above features, please email or call (+44) 020 7631 1555. The first step is for the trust to raise a request with IBM, the company that provides ESR, noting that Rotamap is an ESR hub provider.