August 2023
The "Submittals" feature allows departments to prepare, validate and send records of absence (leave) and attendance (paid extra work) recorded in CLWRota and Medirota to Central Reporting.
This data can be readily extracted from live operational rotas in our services for reporting purposes and automated upload to the Electronic Staff Record (ESR), without relying on paper based reports and manual uploads.

Absence records are added to a queue in the Submittals area at the point when a leave request is approved. An administrator then needs to enrich the record to confirm the correct absence type, reasons and any other contextual information required for the record. This can either be done at the point of approving the leave request, or at a later date. The records can then be submitted to Central Reporting for a direct upload to ESR. Subsequent records can also be submitted to confirm a return-to-work date for open leave bookings.

Attendance records appear as pending items in the queue after a person has been assigned to work an extra session on the rota. After working the session, a clinician can fill in a form to confirm the appropriate payment rate and hours worked, and review the claim amount. The claim can then be reviewed and validated by specified users to ensure it has been fully approved by the department before being exported. The records can then be submitted to Central Reporting, to either be summarised in detailed custom month-end reports, or uploaded directly to ESR. Attendance records can now be managed by clinicians directly within the mobile app.

The “Submittals” feature is available to all departments using CLWRota, Medirota or Central Reporting. If you would like to start using the feature or establish Rotamap/ESR interoperability, please email or call (+44) 020 7631 1555.