Case Study: Streamlining Clinician Contact- Software-Enabled Efficiency in Healthcare
December 2024
A case study from University Hospitals of Leicester highlighting the benefits of using Rotamap's Overview for organisation-wide on-calls. They saw a significant decrease in the number and duration of calls going through to switchboard, which led to more streamlined internal processes, increased efficiency, improved staff morale, and better patient experience.
We're measuring, reporting and reducing our carbon emissions
November 2024
In September 2022, Rotamap implemented a long-term carbon accounting strategy. We have since measured and reported our carbon emissions, alongside releasing a Sustainability Report available for download in this article.
Improved theatre planning results in enhanced theatre delivery: A case study using Rotamap services for 6-4-2 theatre planning
February 2024
A case study of how theatre planning in an NHS Trust has improved since the introduction of Rotamap services. We found that surgeons were assigned three days earlier on average, anaesthetists were assigned sixteen days earlier on average, on the day cancellations fell by 46 %, and extra anaesthetist sessions were reduced by 13 %.
Achieving 100% of the NHS Levels of Attainment with Rotamap services
February 2023
This article sets out how organisations can meet 100% of the e-rostering Levels of Attainment for doctor-led services.
Theatre delivery and COVID-19 recovery, then vs now
November 2022
A comparison of UK Anaesthetics department data, before COVID-19 and now.
Rotamap services link with ESR
May 2022
The current scope of Rotamap's interoperability with ESR.
Illustrating the impact of COVID-19 on clinical service provision
November 2021
An examination of the impact of COVID-19 on clinical service provision across 160 anaesthetic departments, identifying and discussing per-department and national trends
NHSi's Workforce Plans: digital ecosystems
October 2021
NHS England/Improvement announced that all Trusts must use e-rostering software for their clinical workforce, and set out a plan to create common interoperability standards to promote a digital ecosystem of modular services from different suppliers. This document summarises our current approach to interoperability, and how that reconciles with NHS England/Improvement's intentions.
Autumn update: The impact of COVID-19 on UK hospital departments
November 2020
At our online event in October 2020, we discussed common data trends and patterns from CLWRota and Medirota across the past 12 months, looking closely at the impact of COVID-19 on departmental activity, leave and cancellations.
The impact of COVID-19 on UK anaesthetic departments
May 2020
An analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the activity of UK anaesthetics departments, focusing on changes in all-department activity, cancellations and sickness.
Rotamap's response to COVID-19
May 2020
Many of our users have been impacted by the operational issues imposed by COVID-19. This article details our response to COVID-19 and how we have developed new features and adapted our work to continue supporting our users.
NHSi's Workforce Plans: briefing notes
September 2019
In November 2018 NHS Improvement announced plans to develop required standards for NHS workforce deployment systems focusing on the requirements for electronic rostering, job planning, junior doctor and staff agency services. This document summarises the current status of NHSi's plans and Rotamap's views, as a specialist provider of electronic rostering services for doctors.
Jos de Blok: Keep It Small, Keep It Simple
June 2019
This article focuses on the home-care organisation Buurtzorg and the work of its CEO and founder, Jos de Blok. This provides some notes on Jos' presentation delivered as speaker at Rotamap's Spring 2019 Event, and a summary of Buurtzorg's innovative organisational structure and practices.
Article 3: The qualities and benefits of collaboration
March 2017
The focus of this article is the benefits a collaborative approach can bring both to individual professionals but also the clients they work for and the institutions in which they work. It is instructive first to consider the problems that arise in attempts to adopt systems such as the central line checklist or the WHO theatre protocol.
Article 2: The many challenges that confront adopting a systematic, collaborative approach
February 2017
This article explores the many challenges facing the introduction of a systematic, collaborative approach. Our argument is that how professionals work together is as important as the expertise that they bring, and that individual performance is inextricably linked with that of each member of the whole team involved in a procedure.
Article 1: In praise of a systems approach for professionals
January 2017
This is the first of three articles discussing aspects of team collaboration, particularly in a clinical setting. Each discusses important aspects of how the horizontal approach, as distinct from a highly individualised and professionalised vertical paradigm, can provide benefits to professional teams. This approach can also yield surprising insights that can hold value for the managers of the unit in question.
What the Carter Report means for clinical departments
November 2016
The Carter Report, published in February, highlighted high levels of variation across the NHS and set out 15 recommendations on action to be taken. We discuss what this means at a departmental level.
App survey results
November 2016
This September we conducted a survey to learn what people would most like to see in the CLWRota and Medirota mobile apps.
Rotamap is eRota's new name
June 2016
To reflect our aims to help clinical teams to coordinate and collaborate across departments we have changed our company name to "Rotamap".
CLWRota good department checklist
September 2014
As part of our Rotamap event in March 2015 we put forward a checklist to outline some of the valuable measures a department could use to gauge its efficiency by taking closer look at five departments who have improved their service using different approaches and what they were doing differently to make their service more efficient.