All Doctor Rostering Event 2018
7 December 2018
Rotamap's Winter 2018 ADR Event took place at the CitizenM Hotel in Tower Hill, London on Friday 7 December 2018. The aim of the event was to bring together representatives from central teams in Trusts that are progressing with a All Doctor Rostering (ADR) roll-out of Rotamap services to discuss related software developments, share implementation stories and consider improvements to the implementation process. We were pleased that representatives from Guy's and St Thomas', Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals, University College London Hospitals, University Hospitals Leicester and West Hertfordshire Hospitals were able to join us, as well as a few attendees from other Trusts interested in learning more about the process.
Nico from Rotamap started the day by outlining the background of the CLWRota and Medirota services and our more recent shift to providing Trustwide services as an extension to working directly with individual departments. He discussed how this model can act as a spur to develop cross-department reporting tools with the aim of promoting stability and consistency across the Trust. A key part of that is helping departments to implement well and to continue to make full use of the advanced features of their systems once they are live.

There was some useful discussion about the Implementation Co-ordination Officer (ICO) and Clinical Co-ordination Officer (CCO) roles that many of those attending had taken on in their Trusts' implementations. There was general agreement that these roles are vital for helping implementations to progress smoothly and getting clinical buy-in, and it led to some suggestions for developments that could speed up the initial data entry stages of implementations, thereby improving engagement.
The Rotamap team presented some of the development the company has been working on in 2018 and will continue with into next year. The recently-released 'Flexi' project increased the possibilities of flexible scheduling for consultants in CLWRota and Medirota, allowing people's flexible working availability and allowances to change between different weeks and be adjusted when required. Ongoing work on improvements to event value tracking and job planning elements were also discussed. Junior doctor calculations, more detailed hours-based accounting and integration with payment systems were brought up as valuable areas for system improvement in the future.

We went on to discuss extension services we provide central teams. One of these is the Overview site, an amalgamated view of all activity rostered on CLWRota and Medirota across the Trust, already in use by most Trusts rolling out All Doctor Rostering. The other is a new service, Central Reporting, designed to provide a collection point for flows of information from each department. Initially the scope of Central Reporting project is to provide a place for central teams to report on department implementation progress and system use, and compile lists of rostered staff members. Eventually this could also become a platform for managing the export of data to external systems and running centralised reports.
The meeting proved to be really useful for the Rotamap team to get suggestions for implementation approaches and development work to improve the utility of our services as Trustwide tools. We think it also provides a great forum for teams from different Trusts to talk to one another and share ideas.