Deploying All Doctor Rostering: Spring 2022 online forum
30th March 2022
On the 30th March 2022, Rotamap held its Spring online forum “Deploying All Doctor Rostering”. The forum included talks from the Rotamap team, alongside two guest speakers Sarah Fletcher, Service Information and Digital Lead at Oxford University Hospitals, and Manish Thakrar, Medical E Rostering Project Lead at University Hospitals Leicester who discussed deploying Rotamap's All Doctor Rostering at their organisations.
The forum provided an opportunity for current and prospective users to learn more about Rotamap’s best-in-class rostering services deployed across an organisation via the All Doctor Rostering arrangement. All Doctor Rostering is currently deployed at 15 NHS Trusts, including four of the leading Shelford Group Trusts - Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals, University College of London Hospitals, Guy’s and St Thomas’, and Oxford University Hospitals.

All Doctor Rostering incorporates all of Rotamap's services in a cohesive organisation-wide system
Rotamap’s Will Bryant opened the online forum by introducing the service architecture underlying the All Doctor Rostering arrangement. The talk included a brief history of Rotamap’s first rostering services, CLWRota for Anaesthetists, and Medirota for other clinical, surgical and ward-based teams. He then explained how the Overview service is used by organisations to provide oversight of key areas of service delivery such as theatres, clinics, and oncalls, and how Central Reporting is used to coordinate and report on all doctor rotas across the organisation.
Along with the abovementioned services, Will explained how All Doctor Rostering's single all-inclusive annual licence fee includes implementation, training, ongoing support, and messaging services. By deploying All Doctor Rostering, an organisation is achieving NHS England and Improvement’s (NHSE/I) Levels of attainment, which are the standards used to assess an organisation’s progress in implementing a digital rostering ecosystem.
Sarah Fletcher, Service Information and Digital Lead at Oxford University Hospitals, shared how Oxford University Hospitals are successfully rolling out All Doctor Rostering. By sharing her personal experience overseeing the divisional rollout of Medirota, she highlighted how implementing All Doctor Rostering services across all four hospital sites has resulted in more transparent management and a greater emphasis on 6-4-2 theatre planning and utilisation. Central Reporting, in particular, has proven invaluable for medical staffing teams in assessing the health of departmental rotas by observing how far in advance they plan their activity.
Sarah Fletcher reported that:
"Having the trust's Central Reporting has really helped break down the silos of working in various areas. Because everything is there, information is being shared, it's really encouraged the cross divisional working amongst teams."

Watch Sarah Fletcher's talk at the Spring 2022 Rotamap forum
Nick Edgeworth and Pippa Ciezarek from the Rotamap team provided a candid discussion of Rotamap’s recent integration initiatives. This included the creation of an outbound API for transferring data from department rotas to external services such as the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) and inbound data from job planning services. In addition,they discussed how Rotamap's development of Job Planning, Staff Bank, Data Warehousing and ESR API integration, in line with NHSE/I Standards, promises data return and better re-use of data without vendor lock-in.
Rotamap's Luke Housego's Overview talk discussed how Rotamap's best-in-class rostering services improve communication and collaboration within and across departments. The Overview service provides real-time views of activity across all CLWRota and Medirota sites in an organisation, including theatres and oncalls. The Overview service helps ensure efficient and effective management of critical clinical resources by providing visibility of shared resources.
The benefits of the Overview service were underlined by the online forum's second guest speaker, Manish Thakrar, Medical E Rostering Project Lead at University Hospitals Leicester, who said:
"We've taken the Switchboard from the historic view of working with different multiple sources of information coming in to a much simplified user experience for the telephonists and were left with a much happier experience for everyone involved."
Manish Thakrar eloquently described the importance of achieving a single composite view of critical functions at an organisational level. He provided examples of how the Overview has increased utilisation of shared resources such as theatres and resulted in a significant reduction in the number of calls Switchboard receives from department services.

Watch Manish Thakrar's talk at the Spring 2022 Rotamap forum
The forum was concluded by Rotamap's Angus Mills and Georgia Hayllar discussing the plethora of in-system reports available on departmental sites via CLWRota or Medirota and Central Reporting. They covered how service reports can help identify trends in service delivery. The pair also provided a detailed examination of anonymised data from multiple departments within a large organisation on how departments have continued to manage the challenges posed by the COVID-19 waves of 2020 and 2021. According to the data, these departments are now facing new challenges, one of which is an increase in unplanned leave because of COVID-19 isolation rules. Further analysis of departmental performance over the last two years can be found in our Spring 2022 Benchmarks.
We provide videos of the afternoon's presentations upon request; if you are interested in watching them or if you have any questions about All Doctor Rostering please contact us at or +44 (0) 20 7631 1555.
The agenda for the event was as follows:
Welcome and introduction
Zena Carswell, Rotamap
Deploying All Doctor Rostering services
Will Bryant, Rotamap
All Doctor Rostering Rollout
Sarah Fletcher, Service Information and Digital Lead at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Exchanging data through Central Reporting
Nick Edgeworth and Pippa Ciezarek, Rotamap
Trustwide coordination and reporting using the Overview
Luke Housego, Rotamap
Manish Thakrar, Medical E Rostering Project Lead at University Hospitals Leicester
Data and recent trends in CLWRota and Medirota
Georgia Hayllar and Angus Mills, Rotamap