Spring 2021 online forum: Australia and New Zealand
26th March 2021
On Friday 26 March 2021 Rotamap hosted its first online forum for current and prospective users of CLWRota and Medirota in Australia and New Zealand. The forum provided an opportunity for existing users of CLWRota and Medirota, as well as those considering adopting Rotamap services for their departments, to meet with members of the Rotamap team and share their experiences of implementing and using Rotamap services. In addition to this, members of the Rotamap team presented new and upcoming features as well as our plans for larger ongoing projects.
Luke began by introducing Rotamap services and how the team came to work with departments in Australia and New Zealand. He looked back at the early iterations of our services and the developments that have made them what they are today. He covered the integration of leave requests, creation of the apps, and introduction of mapping and our Overview service. Our first international client was the Anaesthetics department at North Shore Hospital, New Zealand, who implemented CLWRota in 2016 Since then, Our userbase in Australia and New Zealand has grown to 10% of our total users. Luke then introduced our guest speakers who each spoke about a different element of their Rotamap journey.
Guest speakers
Jason Schoutrop
Jason Schoutrop, Deputy Clinical Director at Queensland Children's Hospital, Australia, discussed his department's journey from Excel spreadsheets to CLWRota and the process the department underwent during this transition. He discussed some of the issues they faced, for example relating to the procurement and implementation. He talked about the work involved in the setup and touched on some of the concerns he and his department had as potential users around the visibility of future rotas and how these were alleviated for him and his team. He also highlighted benifits of the CLWRota including leave approval notifications, transparency over rota allocations and the ability to customize the system for your service delivery.

Watch Jason's talk
Danny Farnham and Jasmeen Nanda
Next we heard from Danny Farnham and Jasmeen Nanda, Project Support Managers for Auckland District Health Board, New Zealand. They are overseaing the rollout of Rotamap's services within the District Health Board. The main focus of their talk was the scale of the rollout, as they plan to implement Rotamap's services for 4,200 clinicians across 80 departments. Danny discussed how they are using Rotamap's Overview sites and mapping to better coordinate the use of their 500 clinic rooms across multiple services within the District Health Board.

Watch Danny and Jasmeens talk
Chris Walker
Chris Walker, Consultant Anaesthetist in Dunedin, New Zealand, gave a candid account of some challenges his department faced prior to and during the implementation of CLWRota and the impact this had on their service delivery and workflow. His talk encompassed benefits of the system such as visibility of fixed availability, long term rotas and the ease of leave requests. He also discussed the Health board's future plans to implement Rotamap's services in multiple departments across the hospital.

Watch Chris' talk
New and Upcoming features
Following on from our guest speakers, Iona and Joel from the Rotamap team presented new features recently made available in CLWRota and Medirota. Their presentation covered improvements we have made to support users and new features designed for clinicians and rota coordinators. These included Multiweek, Bids and clinician-to-clinician messaging. They also announced our upcoming help area, which will provide users with resources to help them get the most out of Medirota and CLWRota.
Ongoing projects
Adam from the Rotamap team then presented two of our ongoing projects: Shifts and Time Calculations.
Shifts enable CLWRota and Medirota users to add customisable start and end times to periods of work.
Time Calculations use these timings to run time-based calculations on the rota. Time Calculations will bring person bassed working time statistics and measures into Medirota and CLWrota. The main purpose of Time Calculations will be to check rotas against rota rules set out in junior doctor contracts.

Attendees were then invited to join one of two service-specific break-out rooms. Adam focused on productivity reporting in Medirota. Nick led a discussion on reporting in CLWRota and Extra Submittals which allows departments to send absence and attendance information to central teams and is now live on CLWRota.
The agenda for the event was as follows:
Welcome and introduction
Stella Pitsillidou and Luke Housego, Rotamap
Guest speakers
Jason Schoutrop, Deputy Clinical Director at Queensland Children's Hospital, Australia
Danny Farnham and Jasmeen Nanda, Project Support Managers for Auckland District Health Board, New Zealand
Chris Walker, Consultant Anaesthetist in Dunedin, New Zealand
New and upcoming features
Iona Wickens and Joel Moore, Rotamap
Ongoing projects
Adam Cansfield, Rotamap
Breakout sessions
RotaMC in CLWRota and and Extra Submittals
Nick Edgeworth, RotamapProductivity reporting in Medirota
Adam Cansfield, Rotamap
Contact us
To learn more about any of these projects please contact support@rotamap.net or call us on 020 7631 1555.
If you have any questions or would like to attend the event next time, please contact info@rotamap.net.