2012 CLWRota Training & Management Day
15 March 2012
The Training and Management Day was held at the Wellcome Collection in central London. The day was split into two halves, with training provided in the morning and the management session in the afternoon.
Around 90 attendees, made up of consultants, managers and department administrators, attended the event.

The CLWRota team presents new system features
Training Event
The training event focused on providing departments with "Tips & Tricks" on how to get the most from CLWRota, providing training on some of the most recent additions to the system, discussing common use cases and dealing with particular issues in departments' rotas.
We also provided some short previews of upcoming improvements to the CLWRota system, including enhancements to leave management, messaging and departmental activity monitoring.
Management Event
The afternoon's presentations focussed on discussing and comparing graphs showing department activity. An important part of this presentation concerned cross-departmental benchmarking across 26 departments for which at least a years' worth of departmental activity is available for analysis. Benchmarks covered indices such as solo session rates and extra session rates as a proportion of all department activity. Some initial analysis of achieved versus anticipated sessions was also discussed.
Following from the discussion of department data the CLWRota team provided an interactive demonstration of the new Rota Management Console.

A screenshot from the Rota Management Console