CLWRota Annual Forum 2013
19 September 2013
The fifth annual CLWRota Forum was held on 19 September 2013 in the Battlebridge Room at King's Place, London. It was attended by 86 professionals in anaesthesia from 45 trusts.
Summary of events
The event commenced with an introduction and overview of the day which was immediately followed by two presentations from guest speakers. Maxine Tipler and Dr Pascal Boddy from University Hospitals of Leicester gave an account the problems and benefits of implementing CLWRota in a large trust across multiple sites. Dr Martin Gardner, Anaesthetic Site Lead for Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals then spoke about using his experience in using reporting tools to identify and justify activity above management expectations.

Discussion at the 2013 Forum
Demonstrations of the system were available over lunch, which provided an informal opportunity for the delegates to talk and share user experiences.
Pippa Woodcock, Clinical Services Manager for Hampshire Hospitals, resumed the presentations with a talk about the efficiency benefits she identified from using CLWRota. Ollie Fielding then presented the latest anonymised benchmark data generated with the Rota Management Console and the team discussed new and pending features of the system, the mRota mobile browser app and Medimessage.
The Forum was concluded with drinks and discussions.
Please go to the benchmarking page to learn more about the September 2013 benchmarking results.
Managing Anaesthetics at a Large Multi-Site NHS Trust
Maxine Tipler, Clinical Business Unit Service Manager, ITAPS
Dr Pascal Boddy, Consultant Anaethetist and Rota Master (LRI)
University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust -
No Money so No List
Dr Martin Gardner, Anaesthetic Site Lead
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust -
Driving Efficiency in Anaesthetics
Pippa Woodcock, Clinical Services Manager, Anaesthetics and Critical Care
Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust -
CLWRota Benchmarks
Ollie Fielding, Rotamap -
CLWRota Update
The Rotamap team