COVID-19: Assistance available to current CLWRota and Medirota users

Based on conversations with users of our services we have considered a few ways in which we can help hospitals deal with changes to their normal clinical activity resulting from COVID-19. If you require assistance, please get in touch with our support team by email or using our usual support line +44 (0)207 6311 555.

CLWRota Mass cancellations feature

We have released a feature to allow ‘mass session cancellations’ on CLWRota.

This allows you to cancel sessions en masse in CLWRota and optionally reinstate some of them as new sessions. As this feature could be quite destructive, it is not visible from the normal rota master interface. To use this feature users need to contact the support team directly using our usual communication channels.

You will need to provide us with the following details:

  • Start date: start date of period of cancellations
  • End date: end date of period of cancellations
  • Locations to be cancelled: group of locations that should be cancelled

It is crucial to ensure that you have created a clearly-labelled location group which contains the relevant location(s) which will need to be cancelled. You can set this up under Admin > Groups > Location Groups.

To reinstate sessions you need to also provide us with the following details:

  • Locations to be reinstated: a group containing all locations that should have their sessions reopened with new slots after they have been cancelled
  • New Speciality: the speciality of the new sessions
  • New title: the title of the new sessions
  • Cover requirements: whether or not the new sessions will be flagged in red until they are covered by a consultant.

Medirota mass event removal

We have released a feature to allow mass removal of events on Medirota. By choosing an activity group and date range we are able to remove all people, demand and titles from the selected activities in one go. This can help you clear the rota in order to reallocate people to COVID-19 based requirements.

If you would like us to do this for you, please create an activity group containing all the activities that need to be cleared, this can be done under Admin > Groups > Activity Groups. Then contact us at with the activity group and date range for event to be removed. Please also let us know whether you want events from Available to be cleared as well.

CLWRota Oncalls and Alias sessions mass removal

We have released a feature to allow the mass removal of Oncall and Alias sessions on CLWRota. This will allow you to clear any future oncalls that have already been written on your rota but which now need to be removed.

Just as we have done with the mass cancellations feature mentioned above, we have added this feature to the system to help you with rewriting/reutilising your rotas. However, this tool is not visible on the normal rota master interface. To use this feature users need to contact the support team directly using Rotamap's usual communication channels.

You will need to provide us with the following details:

  • Start date: start date of period of sessions to be removed
  • End date: end date of period of sessions to be removed
  • Locations containing sessions to be removed: group of locations that contain the sessions which should be removed

It is crucial to ensure that you create a clearly-labelled location group which contains the relevant Oncall and Alias locations whose sessions you will need to remove. You can set a new location group under Admin > Groups > Location Groups. We ask users to label this group of locations something on the lines of: 'Oncalls and alias to be removed' so that there is no room for confusion.

Medirota and CLWRota: Mass leave cancellation tool

We have released a feature to allow for the mass cancellation of approved leave requests. By choosing a leave type and date range we are able to cancel all leave of this type for a specified people group. The tool will also mass reject any submitted leave requests and approve existing cancel requests.

Like the other mass cancellation tools listed above, this tool is not visible on the normal rota master interface. To use this feature users need to contact the support team directly using our usual communication channels.

You will need to provide us with the following details:

  • Start date: start date of period of leave requests to be cancelled
  • End date: end date of period of leave requests to be cancelled
  • Leave type(s): type of leave to be cancelled eg. study leave
  • People: group of people that should have their leave requests cancelled

It is crucial to ensure that you create a clearly-labelled people group which contains the relevant people whose leave is to be cancelled. You can set a new people group under Admin > Groups > People Groups.

Medirota and CLWRota: Bulk editing existing templates on your rota

We can also help departments planning to rewrite templates on CLWRota and Medirota by setting end dates on all current templates. This is to allow the department to write in new templates for new rotas.

If alternatively you would like to extend the current templates or post assignments on your instance, we can also help you do that. This may be especially relevant for departments with large cohorts of Junior Doctors who were supposed to rotate to a new specialty but who may now be staying in the department for the foreseeable future.

When you contact us, please provide us with the full details of the templates which need to be edited with as much detail as possible. It is important that you are very explicit regarding whether you need to extend or set an end date to the relevant templates.

Requests for rota duplicates

We have had some requests for the duplication of current rotas. Our current recommendation is to use the solutions outlined in this document instead. This approach prevents the potential confusions which could arise from running two separate rotas for the same department. Our main concern is the negative impact which confusions of this kind could have on the clinical safety of hospital departments.
