CLWRota, Medirota and Overview apps
The Rotamap apps are available from the Google Play Store for Android phones and on the Apple App Store for iPhones: the iOS CLWRota, Medirota and Overview apps are compatible with devices running on iOS 10 or higher. The Android CLWRota, Medirota and Overview apps are compatible with Android devices on Android OS 6 or higher. You can use the buttons below to download them.
Logging in
When opening the app for the first time, you will reach a login page. The "server" is the URL you use to access the full CLWRota or Medirota website appended with "/app". For instance, for "" the server would be "". Your CLWRota or Medirota username and password remain the same.

If you are logged into your Medirota or CLWRota web app in your web browser, you will be able to find a more detailed guide on mobile app functionality via the links below: