Achieving 100% of the NHS Levels of Attainment with Rotamap services

First-rate hospital care begins with well-run department rotas. However, some organisations struggle to meaningfully implement effective rostering software, particularly for their medical staff. That's why our services are designed specifically to tackle the complex and diverse demands of doctor-led rotas and form an interoperating 'digital ecosystem' with other staff systems.

The NHS 'Levels of Attainment' were created for organisations to measure the successful use of e-rostering. Here’s how our services now provide everything needed to meet 100% of these standards.

Level 1: Visibility of the individual on the e-roster

This level requires organisations to demonstrate that they have procured appropriate rostering solutions and implemented them for 90% of their staff.

Our experienced team provides all training and ongoing support as part of the service. We work closely with departmental rota teams to ensure rapid, successful implementations and to maintain excellent standards. We also work with the organisation's project leads to initially engage with specialities and to help adapt organisation-wide processes. This joined-up approach allows for rapid rollout and the provision of accurate, live rotas across the medical workforce.

Our services also meet the Level 1 requirement for paperless payment mechanisms, allowing claim forms to be filled out and validated before being exported to ESR, ensuring that HR and payroll records align with department rotas.

Level 2: Timetabling

This level focuses on the core functionality of an online rostering tool. Our services make it simple to quickly create rotas for all clinician grades based on set rules and templates. Staff can easily access and view their assignments and leave on the go using our mobile apps.

Our services highlight uncovered activity until resolved, giving a clear view of demand and supply and the real-time impact of leave on the rota. Various reports provide valuable insights into department and organisational performance.

Level 3: Capacity and demand

Level 3 requires rostering software to provide a clear picture of capacity and demand, and make adjustments to staff patterns as needed. Various reports can be drawn from our services to analyse this, including variations between planned and achieved activity and how coverage varies throughout the week. This, when combined with reports on absences, extra use, and cancellations, provides a wealth of valuable insights to help optimise your service.

Level 4: Organisation e-rostering

Here, we’re looking at achieving organisation-wide oversight of e-rostering and implementing regular audits and reviews. To help organisations gain a comprehensive perspective, we created a service called Central Reporting. This service draws data from all departments using our services to provide both departmental and combined organisational-level reports.

Additionally, our Overview service shows a live snapshot of all on-call assignments and theatre and clinic utilisation across the organisation. This improves communication across collaborating departments and shows switchboard teams who’s working where at any given time.

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We're committed to helping as many NHS Organisations as possible achieve 100% of the NHS standards. If you would like a demo, please get in touch at