Rotamap 2018 March Event

The Rotamap Spring event 2018 was held at the Royal Society of Arts in Central London, on Friday 23 March.

Opening the event, Emma Ledwood and Ed Schroeder from the Rotamap team welcomed the guests and introduced the event's theme: Information Flow. With a focus on the growth of the company and the accompanying challenges this brings, they explained the importance of maintaining effective communication and successful information flow. Drawing from the book "Turn the Ship Around" which explores the challenges of managing a nuclear submarine, they discussed the merits of "intent-based leadership" and explored how this model could be implemented across other specialist teams.

Ed and Emma from Rotamap introduce the day - Photo by Valerie Bennett Major Chris Hunter answering questions - Photo by Valerie Bennett

Ed and Emma from Rotamap introduce the day / Major Chris Hunter answering questions - Photos by Valerie Bennett

This segued into the keynote speech by Major Chris Hunter QGM, former British Army Intelligence Officer and Bomb Disposal Specialist. Chris spoke about his experience of high pressure environments and how good information flow and proper devolvement of responsibility was essential for a calm and constructive response in critical situations, encapsulating the theme of "the right information for the right people at the right time."

An introduction to some of the features released in the last year was presented by Adam Cansfield and Rachel Christie of the Rotamap team, with the help of video demonstrations. These included new features such as Leave Requests for Medirota, Bids, Annotations and more. Further mentioned were upcoming developments, including Push notifications, which will allow for alerts to appear on a phone's locked screen.

Peter providing support during lunch - Photo by Valerie Bennett Adam and Rachel from Rotamap presenting new features - Photo by Valerie Bennett

Peter providing support during lunch / Adam and Rachel from Rotamap presenting new features - Photos by Valerie Bennett

After lunch, James Eales, General Manager of Perioperative Medicine of Guy's and St Thomas', gave an engaging talk outlining the challenges of implementing a trustwide rostering solution. This included the three main hurdles faced when implementing (logistics, culture, and technology) and how his trust is successfully overcoming these.

Following this, Rotamap’s Jacob Kirk and Tom Kelly presented the latest benchmarking data drawing from information from CLWRota and Medirota at 200 departments at 107 NHS trusts. They indicated ways in which the data can be evaluated and exploited to contribute towards improving departmental performance.

Dr Sarah Pape OBE, Consultant Plastic Surgeon at The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals, then discussed how using Medirota brings transparency and structure to her department, essential for the effective flow of information. She talked about how realtime information and better, easier, more fluid communication results in greater efficiency and efficacy for inter-departmental collaboration.

Closing the day, we discussed future possible directions the company could explore, including the wider usage of All Doctor Rostering across the NHS.

Thank you to all those who attended the annual Spring event, we hope you found it useful and enjoyable and we look forward to welcoming you to a future Rotamap event.


The agenda for the event was as follows:

  1. Welcome and introduction

    Ed Schroeder and Emma Ledwood, Rotamap

  2. When failure is not an option: achieving mission success through teamwork and communication

    Major Chris Hunter QGM, former British Army Intelligence Officer and Bomb Disposal Specialist

  3. New and upcoming features

    Adam Cansfield and Rachel Christie, Rotamap

  4. Overcoming the challenges of implementing a trustwide rostering solution

    James Eales, General Manager of Perioperative Medicine, Critical Care and Pain at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust

  5. Data, benchmarks and performance

    Jacob Kirk and Tom Kelly, Rotamap

  6. The challenge of managing information flow in a large plastic surgery department

    Dr Sarah Pape OBE, Consultant Plastic Surgeon at The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

  7. Future opportunities